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Flatiron Wine School 2024 Spring Session Announced!

We're publishing our spring schedule early so you can factor it into your holiday gifting! We're super excited about the brand-new spring offerings ahead.

And don't forget our deal on four classes with the Spring Four-Class Pass! (Looking for more flexibility? Gift cards can be applied to classes.)

Spring Session: April-May 2024

April 9: Crazy About Chenin Blanc, The World’s Most Versatile White Grape?  (taught by Annie Edgerton, DWSET, CS, CSW)

Difficulty level: Wine 101

Chenin Blanc is undeniably one of the world’s top white wine grapes, but it lives under the radar; it doesn’t seem to garner the same obsession or devotion as White Burgundy and Mosel Riesling. But it should. Chenin is one of the most multitalented grapes on the planet. It can make sparkling wine, dry wine, semi-sweet, very sweet, and luscious botrytized dessert wines. It can be lean, zingy and piercing, it can be rich, unctuous, oak-aged. It is the most charming chameleon, shining in France's Loire Valley, South Africa, and even finding a home in places like California and New Zealand. Annie is a bit crazy for Chenin, and she’s selected five wines she knows will entrance you too, as she pulls back the curtain on this versatile variety.

This class will begin at 6:00pm on Tuesday, April 9 and run for approximately 90 minutes. Wines tasted in class will be available for purchase with a discount available to attendees only. Seating is limited. Get tickets now.

April 16: Three Ciròs for Southern Italy (taught by Julia Burke, DWSET)

Difficulty level: Wine 101

If Northern Italy has the greater impact on the wine world, Southern Italy's influence lies closer to home: classic American concepts of Italian food, culture and often our own heritage can nearly all be traced back to the hills, mountains and seaside towns that make up Puglia, Basilicata, Campania, Calabria and Sicily. This class will celebrate the iconic grapes of Southern Italy, like Aglianico and Nerello Mascalese, as well as the region's beautiful everyday wines that deliver excellent value and bring an entirely new set of flavors to your table.

This class will begin at 6:00pm on Tuesday, April 16 and run for approximately 90 minutes. Wines tasted in class will be available for purchase with a discount available to attendees only. Seating is limited. Get tickets now.

April 30: Blind Tasting: New World Meets Old World (taught by Julia Burke, DWSET)

Difficulty level: Deep Dive

"If we dropped you in an entirely different part of the world to make wine, what's the one aspect of your winemaking that would stand out the most?" Julia loves asking winemakers this question. As Flatiron's New World Buyer, she faces a constant struggle against the overuse of Old World comparisons like Oregon and Burgundy, or the Finger Lakes and the Mosel.

But there's one aspect of the New World-Old World dichotomy that seems woefully under-discussed: What happens when Old World winemakers come to the New World, and vice versa? How do their cultural backgrounds, winemaking philosophies and approaches to terroir translate in their second homes? We have some fascinating ways to find out: Burgundian projects in Oregon, Bordelais projects in South Africa and Spanish projects in Chile are just some of the examples of Old World producers finding commonality in New World sites. 

We're going to look at some of the world's most prestigious examples of this trend, and we're going to blind taste them side-by-side with their counterparts across the sea.

This class will begin at 6:00pm on Tuesday, April 30 and run for approximately 90 minutes. Wines tasted in class will be available for purchase with a discount available to attendees only. Seating is limited. Get tickets now.

May 7: Champagne Deep Dive (taught by Annie Edgerton, DWSET, CS, CSW)

Difficulty level: Deep Dive

You asked for it, you got it! Annie always says that if she could only drink ONE wine for the rest of her life, it would be Champagne. Yes, she’s a tiny bit bougie, but she also knows that’s cheating, because the deep matrix of Champagne supplies endless possibilities. The grape varieties—alone and blended—the sub-regions, dosage, lees aging, oak use, vintage/non-vintage, house/grower style… some say Champagne is so complex it can take a lifetime to master, but what a journey that would be. (Not to mention the fact that Champagne might be the best wine to pair with literally any food.) Last year, Annie’s Bubbly class was a hit, but she only scratched the surface of Champagne’s place in the world of sparkling wine. In this class, she’ll dive in, with five amazing Champagnes, highlighting the history, processes, and diversity of her favorite wine.

This class will begin at 6:00pm on Tuesday, May 7 and run for approximately 90 minutes. Wines tasted in class will be available for purchase with a discount available to attendees only. Seating is limited. Get tickets now.