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Coming Up: Ft. Valentine's Day!

Hello everyone! 

It's looking like rain all week, here in NYC. So, we have some excitement planned to brighten up your Valentine's day. 

Wednesday, check back on this blog to read our Valentine's Day picks! Are you trying to pair with something special? Do you want waint to sip with chocolate covered strawberries? Is your special someone looking for something fun and joyful? We'll help you through it all. 

This Thursday, we will be posting our Featured Newsletter Blog with some wines that are seriously lovely. 

Finally, we have a killer in store tasting planned for this week. Stop by the shop on Thursday between 5-7 to enjoy some Staff Favorites from MFW. Maybe you'll find the perfect last-minute V-tines pick to impress your crush! 

Brave the rain, and we will reward you with delicious wines! But you can also enjoy our blog posts from the safety and warmth of your couch. We're looking forward to this week with you! 


